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- U N C A T E G O R I Z E D
How Sick is Too Sick? *Important Notice to Providence Parents and Students*
January 25, 2018
JSEC and all the other surrounding schools in Providence are under a flu season watch and want to ensure we stop and control any type of outbreak the Flu season may offer. The Flu season is coming in full force — and it’s more severe and widespread than years prior. It is of utmost important that parents, students, administration, and teachers read the link below to determine “How sick is too sick to attend any school in Providence”.
27 states so far have reported high “influenza-like” activity, while Puerto Rico and nine other states are currently experiencing moderate flu activity, according to the Center for Disease Control’s weekly report. Influenza is a significant threat to public health, and we are strongly encouraging everyone who not already got the flu vaccine to get it immediately. Getting vaccinated is not just about protecting yourself, it also protects people around you.
This year’s flu cycle kicked off significantly earlier than most years, with flu activity spiking nationwide in this last week of January.
The flu kills an estimated 36,000 people a year in the United States, though most die from complications from the virus rather than the virus itself.
Young children, the elderly and pregnant women are at higher risk for more severe flu symptoms and complications.
The flyer is in English and in Spanish and it is vital that all associated with any school in Providence pay attention and take the flu threat seriously.
How sick is too sick – Flyer Span-Eng
Abraham • Mar 21, 2018 at 11:39 am
Now i coukd show my mom