The Other Side of the Sky-Book Review #5-Victor’s Vantage Point

The Other Side Of The Sky

Victor Urizar   

The other side of the sky is a great read. This is a great story for people’s imagination, It tells of two worlds colliding with each other. The people of the sky believe in technology and science while the people in the ground believe in magic and gods. It is a seamless blend of sci-fi and fantasy, science and belief. It’s a great balance of the two and really adds a lot of dimension to the story. 


The story is told in alternating chapters by the two main characters. North, whose home is in a city far into the sky above the clouds. Some of the royals believe that the island is falling while some argue that it is not which caused them to be divided. When North is showing off his glider, something goes wrong and he plunges to earth. He is rescued by Nimh, who believes he is a god because of an ancient prophecy she discovered that says a star will fall from the sky. Is North that Star? What is he prophesied to do? How will he get back? 


I would recommend this book if you enjoy YA fantasy and those with vivid imagination.