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- U N C A T E G O R I Z E D
Artist Makes Special Visit To JSEC
February 27, 2019
This is Cara who is a street artist who is volunteering her time to help out our Kindness Initiative into Beautiful artwork around our school as well as some of Providence’s elementary schools. Cara is extremely talented and we are so grateful she has selflessly decided to dedicate her time to painting Kindness Murals around our school. If you happen to see Cara around the school please be sure to say hi and thank her.
The entire Kindness Crew would like to personally thank her for working with us. We hope she knows how much this means to us. We are so blessed to work with beautiful humans like her. Her work will have a lasting impact and touch the lives of so many.
-Kindness Crew
One of the Kindness Crew Members, Jadelyn Santos, had the opportunity to sit down with Cara and conduct an all out interview. Here’s what Cara had to say:
1. What type of artwork do you do?
Abstract, paint, graffiti, cartoon
2. Where are you from?
3. What inspires you to do art?
Hip Hop and grafitte, and I thought I could turn it into a career which I have.
4. What brought you to JSEC to do paint here?
Rosa is a good friend of mine and always wanted to do something in a school. I love all of what you have going on.
5. What are your hobbies?
Besides art, I write a lot and play with my cat.
6. What makes you happy & what makes you sad?
What makes me happy is being with friends and family , music.
What makes me sad are when people are rude, and mean to each other.
7. How long have you been an artist?
I always like to draw but its funny I call myself an artist, they expect a Mona Lisa, but I feel I have been an artist my whole life
8. Who is your role model ?
I think if myself as a role model because I like to look at the past, present, me, and learn from my mistakes.
9. If you could have lunch with anyone famous dead or alive who would that be?
Lunch Conversations with God and ask what is happening
10. Do you teach art/painting classes?
I don’t but I would love to
11. Do you have a message for JSEC Students?
My message to all: “Doesn’t matter freaky your dreams are, do those steps to pursue them”
Kindness is so important here at JSEC that we even planned and enacted upon painting our schools bathrooms with words of positive expression in hopes to positively effect change. The JSEC Kindness Initiative is growing like crazy and we are so happy to be a part of it.
-Jadelyn Santos–JSEC Newspaper Reporter