- F E A T U R E S
- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- P A R E N T N I G H T S
- P A R E N T S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- U N C A T E G O R I Z E D
JSEC Hosts Another Successful Parents Night
March 23, 2019
On Thursday, March, 21st, 2019 JSEC hosted its 2nd parents night so parents had the opportunity to meet teachers and Administration. JSEC prides itself in being a center for the community by offering some level of programming for parents where all can help build those important school-home relationships that wind up benefiting everyone: students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community at large.
Mr. DelRosario, Mr. Fransisco, and Ms. Jenner spearheaded the night and ensured the night went smoothly by having student ambassadors welcome all attendees and also guide parents to teachers who were awaiting meeting parents to discuss student progress. In addition to individual meetings all who attended enjoyed lots of food which included: Ham and cheese empenadas, macaroni salad, rice, and potato salad. The food was perfect due to the fact that parents night was held 5:30-7:30PM where most people eat dinner.
This event was originally planned a few weeks earlier, but postponed until 3/21, because of a snow storm that occurred at the earlier date.
Administration did a great job by ensuring it was rescheduled and that parents had that important opportunity to meet with teachers. The Administration Team includes: Mr. Or–Principal, Ms. Testa–Assistant Principal, and Ms. Pinto–Assistant Principal. Their focus is that JSEC meets educational standards and that constant improvement is always an ongoing goal of the school. Part of this was to get parent input so technology was set up so parents could complete parent surveys which gave important insight about how parents feel about the JSEC.
Meetings included sharing important academic/social progress students were making in school and also creating academic plans so students who were falling behind could be successful. This Parents Night was very important because most students still have time to improve grades before the quarter ends in a couple of weeks.Overall the night was successful: Families, Food, Academic Oversight, and bringing together Administration, Teachers, and also our most important partners: Parents! Thanks to all who came out for the night!