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- Y E A R B O O K
JSEC Survival Guide 2019-2020–10 Suggestions and 20 Must Knows
August 20, 2019
Most students upon attending a new school or returning to their school have a plethora of questions and the JSEC Cav Chronicle (name of the JSEC Newspaper) Staff thought it best that we try to help all JSEC students out with a JSEC Survival Kit of sorts. Before we give you a list of things you will want to start collecting and be aware of is our TOP 10 List for High School students to consider:
- Take time to think about what you would like to do: dream and imagine ideal careers.
- Challenge yourself in High School, but don’t overwhelm yourself.
- Work, volunteer, or otherwise, gain some experience.
- Get as much education as you can and also get involved: Join a Sport, Yearbook/Newspaper Committee, or other After/Before School Activity
- Talk with as many adults as possible about careers and colleges.
- Remember that everyone must follow his or her own path in life.
- People change; don’t feel locked into any college or career now.
- Don’t let anyone control your dreams and ambitions and always be who you are!
- It is never too early, nor too late, to get organized, and begin making plans.
- Never stop learning….read, grow, and expand your mind.
Ok now that we gave you our things to consider now the important list of 20 items you should get or find out within your first two weeks of school:
*Class Schedule/Bell Schedule: (This is 2019-2020 Bell Schedule–Your individual schedules were sent or you can get a copy Day #1)
*Yearly Schedule (Holidays/Vacations/Exams/Testing) Go To: https://www.providenceschools.org/
*Lunch Schedule: See Above. (Please note only 1 Lunch this year)
*Advisory Forms: Medical, Lunch, Internet Usage Form, Photo Release Form, Aspirin Usage Form, ect…. (Given out in Advisory)
*Map Of Building
*Credit Recovery Information (Any student who has failed ANY class must make it up…please contact Guidance so you can make it up during the yr.)
*Class Syllabus (Given to students by each individual teacher)
*Textbooks/Materials for each Class
*Contact List: Administration, Teachers, Guidance, School Counselors, Athletic Director, Coaches, After/Before School Program Coordinator, Nurse, College Guide, Librarian, and Advisors. Go To: https://www.providenceschools.org/
*PPSD Graduation Credit Requirements Go To: https://www.providenceschools.org/
*Medical Physicals: Student Athletes (See Mr. Nadeau–Athletic Director or individual Coaches–Athletic Director)
*JSEC Pathway Choice. Mention when meeting with Guidance Counsellor.
*College Guide: See Bobby Perry
*After/Before School Programming: See Ciara Parks
*Kindness Crew: Ms. Molina
*Senior Advisor: Mrs. Gormley
*Newspaper Advisor/Yearbook Advisor: Mr. Moreau
*PPSD Code of Conduct: Go To: https://www.providenceschools.org/
*Lunch Passes: Must live 2.5 miles away from school. (See Ms. Lisa school secretary)
*Medical Conditions/Issues: Ms. St. Hillaire–School Nurse
And please use your feel free to question your Advisor for assistance with locker combinations, room locations, or any other odds and ends that have to do with JSEC.