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- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- S T U D E N T L I F E
World Kindness Day-Week Long Celebration @ JSEC
November 12, 2019
We all know Ms. Molina does so many things very well and we are so happy she is spearheading a week-long kindness, initiative, there by adding one more….JSEC Kindness Week. This week there is a spotlight on one of the things she does best: ‘Spread Kindness’. There are many activities/events planned for this week to ensure kindness is front and center! Many ask “What’s different with this and all the other things the Kindness Crew spreads kindness each and every day?” The best answer we thought is clear and is evident in todays and this weeks regular and extra events they have planned for this week! Ms. Molina and her Kindness Crew always challenge each and every student to become the best they can be and in doing so they really want everyone to be involved this week, partake in at least one Kindness Week Activity, and take a look at the entire week and spread kindness.
The Kindness Crew has been working very hard to paint this Kindness Painting in the Lunch Room. Kids are jumping in to have their photo taken to take part in pledging to be kind. It is a time where we are always in a rush, have 28 hours of things to do in a 24 hour day, and can’t seem to slow down.

Lastly remember it costs nothing to be kind, absolutely nothing! If anyone would like to become part of the Kindness Crew please see Ms. Molina in the Nurses Suite.
“I joined the kindness crew my senior year, I would’ve never thought that it’ll change the way I viewed things in many of my past situations. Molina herself shows so much love and kindness that it will make you want to change. joining the kindness crew isn’t just about trips or activities we do, it’s more about learning and helping others change and making sure you find a part of yourself that you didn’t know about.”-Jeannah Dieguez

It was my senior year in high school I wanted to do something different this year other then coming t0 school. I joined the Kindness Crew in hopes of making a change in my own life and others” -Andreisy Taveras
World Kindness Day!
The JSEC Kindness Crew will be hosting and carrying out a slue of Love and Kindness. We welcome any of you, your classes or programs to also join in on the fun! below is a description of the day and events occurring, we hope you all can join in and support us by wearing YELLOW or YOUR KINDNESS SHIRT!
KINDNESS RAFFLE: Teachers will be provided raffle tickets to pass out to students and/or adults who demonstrate the meaning of our mission of “Love & Kindness” There will be 5-10 winners at the end of the school day!

WEAR YELLOW or YOUR KINDNESS SHIRT: Anyone wearing yellow or a kindness shirt will be entered into a special raffle to win a customized Kindness Hoodie!!
BUY A BANDANA OR KINDNESS WRISTBAND: $2 each, show your support for JSEC Kindness Initiative!
Take A KINDNESS SELFIE with our customized IG Picture frame!! Use our #JSECSpreadsKindness and tag us on IG JSECKindness and receive a special repost and shout out!!
Visit to the Renaissance Day Center: The JSEC Kidnenss Crew will visit the Renaissance Day center where they support adults and elderly and carry out a Kindness wave.
Carry out a Kindness Wave: Teachers and classrooms are encouraged to come u p with their own Kindness wave to a fellow neighbor or student. Video your wave and have it be showcased on our IG page and Newspaper website (have to talk to Mr. Moreau 🙂 )
Secret Kindness Wave: The Kindness Crew will be surprising Jason Figuoroa (Climate & culture coordinator) and Courtney Correia (Guidane Counselor) of Roger Williams with a Kindness wave to recognize all of his hard work and committment to their community and student body!
Lunch Time Kindness Celebration: Join us in our Lunch room to celebrate World Kindness Day, we will have music, snacks and special Kindness photo opts throughout lunch. We welcome staff to bring in treats for the celebration (preferably nut free).
We are currently accepting Kindness sweater orders and I have attached the form, as well, we are always taking in T-shirt orders, customizable to your favorite Kindness Quote 🙂
A giant thank you to Teresa Agonia and Linda Urizar from City hall as they have assisted in us obtaining a sponsorship through their office for our Kindness Crew Initiative.