- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- P A R E N T S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- S T U D E N T L I F E
JSEC “Loves” Spirit Week + Pep Rally Feb 10-14th. Fun Week Planned!
January 23, 2020
Do you have the Winter Blues? Worry not, the student leadership team, led by Mr. and Mrs. Gormley and several students, have come up with a fun-filled week to shake things up a bit. Spirit Week at JSEC is always fun and the theme of our upcoming one is “LOVE”. This week will be held Feb 10th-Feb 14th. Each day will have a theme as pictured below:

In order to ensure this week is a success we ask that ALL JSEC students participate or at least support the week. We start off the week with Pajama/Sweats Day where you can literally get out of bed and roll into school. Tuesday follows that with a sneaker war of sorts where you can show off your latest and greatest footwear…Nike. Vs. Adidas. Wednesday where we all get to show off our culture, where we came from, where our ancestry is from, what our heritage is all about. Thursday is a lot of fun where you can grab a friend or friends and all dress exactly alike. Friday is the climatic day where all classes come together for an all out Pep Rally and Color War. This will take place the last period of the day then the weekend will begin!
Pssssssst……There maybe a surprise contest where one or two of our teachers may be taped to the wall, but to see if this occurs you must attend the event. Students may be able to assist with the taping as well as they may ask for tape donations to be able to make your teacher stick to the wall for at least 1/2 hour. Also to clarify the color war chart goes as follows:
RED: Means your taken
WHITE: Means your single or not interested
PINK: It’s complicated
This Pep Rally allows us to celebrate Winter and Spring sports teams, sit with our grade level classes, and participate in class vs class tug of war types of activities. We also know the Yearbook Staff will be snapping away so it’s the best way to get into the 2020 Yearbook. School spirit makes a school, it makes our climate here amazing, and at the end of the day we all want to have a fun school where the best prepare us for college and life. Many complain about how lame this is or that is but never try to be part of the positive change we want here at JSEC. Well this is the perfect way to be part and feel part of your school….so P A R T I C I P A T E, we promise, you’ll enjoy it.