- F E A T U R E S
- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- N E W S
- P A R E N T S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- S T U D E N T L I F E
- U N C A T E G O R I Z E D
- Y E A R B O O K
2020 Pep Rally–Getting “Stuck” on Fun For All
February 11, 2020
We thought this would be a great time to tell you why we feel a Pep Rally is important for the Juanita Sanchez High School.
Pep rallies are not only a place where you can hang out with your friends, but it is also a celebration of all the school spirit our school really does have. During our Pep Rally, to be held on Friday, February 14th, 2020, aka Valentines Day, we can wear our regular school colors: red, black,white, and grey, or and be proud of our school, celebrate ourselves, celebrate our athletes and all students and what they do to represent our school. Due to it being Valentines Day the student council decided to change things up with colors….so please chart below to make sure you represent your situation or non-situation:
WHITE: Single
PINK: It’s Complicated
RED: I’m taken
If you rather not divulge your situation, please try to wear the other school colors of black and grey. This year’s Pep Rally will have many competitions and activities and try to out perform past Pep Rallies. Pep Rallies are a way to have fun in our own school, involve teachers and peers, and spread positive energy around. The positive energy is always contagious. In order to get you a bit more excited, we wanted to give you one hint at just one of the many events that will take place at the Pep Rally. So far we have 5 Teachers who have volunteered to be taped up to the wall in order to raise money for the Senior Class. The volunteers are pictured below:

Assisting in being part of preparing for the pep rally is going to make our day even better and our hope is that it will encourage you to connect with your school even more. The JSEC Pep Rally is going to make this Valentines day even better. How awesome is that? You will be able to celebrate your school and love. Make sure you come to school on Friday, 2/14/20. The Pep Rally seems like its going to be off the charts. We also heard there will be 2 entire pages in the 2020 Yearbook focused soley on the Pep Rally so if you see one of Mr. Moreau’s photographers there, make sure you jump in the pic. Also as a reminder those who still want to order a 2020 Yearbook still may, there will be one last Yearbook Order in March so please see Mr. Moreau if you would like to order one.
Again, don’t miss all the fun stuff that we have planned for you. The Senior Class and Junior Class Superlatives will be announced that day as well. We are looking forward to a very fun-filled Friday Pep Rally with an extended weekend/mini February break to follow.