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New Principal @ JSEC….Let’s Get To Know Him–Principal: Mr. Robert Rametti
September 13, 2020
Hot off the presses–An Interview with JSEC’s newest Principal: Mr. Robert Rametti. We would like to extend a huge, warm, and enthusiastic welcome to Mr. Rametti and are very excited for our upcoming school year.

We have seen numerous changes in the state of Rhode Island, in Providence, in our communities, and yes here at JSEC. We discovered over the summer that Mr. Or would be leaving us to transfer to another high school in Providence, and we would be getting a new Principal to begin the 2020-2021 school year. We wish Mr. Or the best, and we were happy to hear Mrs. Testa would be staying on board as part of the Administrative Team @ JSEC. Our Newspaper crew devised some questions for Mr. Rametti in efforts to get to know him better. We found through his responses, that Mr. Rametti is very approachable, fun, outgoing, and understands what an inner-city and diverse community like ours is all about. Check out the interview below:
Q. What did you do before you became Principal at JSEC?
Before coming to JSEC, I was an educator in the Boston Public Schools for 15 years. I started as an English teacher and later became a teacher leader, Middle School Principal, and High School Principal.
Q. What did you do for work prior to becoming a Principal?
I am a lifelong educator. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher (and even though I am a principal now, I still consider myself a teacher first). I studied education as an undergraduate in college and started my first teaching job right out of college. I’ve been an educator ever since!
Q. Can you give us 3 words to describe you?
Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I’ll go with…dedicated; organized; and corny (I own it!)
Q. What are your thoughts of two schools being in one building?
I think having two schools in one building brings so much potential. Of course it means we have to coordinate and ensure we are operating smoothly together. More than logistics, however, is the potential for building a strong community between the two schools and leveraging each school’s strengths to provide more opportunities for students in both schools. I’m looking forward to building this connection.
Q. What’s one interesting thing you can let readers know you?
I have a dog named Bella. She is a pug, so she is small, but very bossy! I’ve had her for almost 10 years now. She’s a lot of fun.
Q. What is just one of the biggest challenges facing JSEC this year?
The biggest challenge facing JSEC this year is one that all schools across the country are facing–the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to focus very carefully on operational safety while at the same time also continuing to focus on making teaching and learning the best it can possibly be.
Q. If you had one super power what would it be?
To disappear/reappear anywhere in the world! I love to travel, but it’s expensive (and time consuming depending on the destination). Being able to transport myself would be great because I could see the world at a moment’s notice, and without any travel arrangements.
Q. What’s the one issue in the world today that you feel is most important to address?
Racial equity. Our country has been divided for far too long, based on false ideas about race. I am hopeful that given recent social and political unrest, we are going to move forward as a country to ensure equity for ALL, particularly our Black and Latinx brothers and sisters.
Q. What are your expectations of JSEC students?
I expect JSEC students to work hard and to invest in their education. I expect them to build a strong community while they are students here and that they respect one another.
Q. What motivates you?
Excellence. I always strive for excellence, not only for myself, but for the community I serve. I know we have the potential for greatness, and that potential is what motivates me each and every day.
Q. Whats one challenge you have had in your life that you overcame?
As a child, both of my parents were very sick. My mom suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and my dad had liver disease. They both passed away when I was in my early 20s. This made my childhood stressful because I worried about their health a lot. It also meant I had to become very independent at a young age, because my parents couldn’t always help me in the way they would want.
Q. Who is one person who is famous that you would say would be someone you emulate?
I’m not good with “famous people”. My friends joke that I live under a rock, because I am not usually up to date with celebrities and the world of pop culture. I don’t think I can pick someone, but I will say this: I strive to emulate those people (famous or otherwise) who have integrity and who believe in social justice, hard work, and commitment.
Q. What’s your favorite healthy food and junk food?
I have a sweet tooth! I love gummy candy. I always enjoy cookies/cakes. I like salads a lot too though, so I try to strike a balance 🙂
These are the only questions the JSEC Newspaper Staff wanted to ask especially with Mr. Rametti most likely being swamped with the opening of schools and the C-19 variations. We thank Mr. Rametti for his time and as we return to school either in person or distant learning we recommend you all reach out to Mr. Rametti at some point to say hi and share ideas, thoughts, wishes, related to JSEC with him.
-Interview 8/19/2020