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- S T U D E N T L I F E
JSEC Spreading Christmas Joy To Each Student! Stocking-Give-Away Hugely Successful!
December 23, 2020
JSEC went above and beyond to make sure our students received a gift from teachers, faculty, and administration this Holiday Season. Spearheaded by the Gormleys, stockings were packed full of goodies, candy, toys, and misc items to bring a bit of joy to students at JSEC. Students simply had to swing by school to pick up their stocking and receive a virtual hug from the JSEC Staff. Deliveries were also made to those who shared they were unable to pick up their stocking.
Teachers made stocking donations and to date, 12/23/20, JSEC has distributed well over 150 students. Stockings are still available to all JSEC students and Mrs. Gormley will be at school on Wed, 12/23 from 9-2 pm to distribute stockings to anyone who swings by. This will be the last day of stocking distribution so if you haven’t received yours yet please feel free to swing by to pick up your Holiday Stocking.
There are too many behind the scenes elves who made this happen including students, teachers, and staff. Also a special thanks to Home Goods who donated over 150 stockings.
When people say “well get through this together” it is more than accurate, our JSEC family will celebrate the good from 2020 and welcome in a bright and hopeful 2021.
Happy Holidays to All!