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JSEC Winter Sports Have Begun–Boys Team’s 1st Victory and Girl’s Team Great Effort
January 23, 2021
The Winter Sports Season is finally starting this week. Winter Sports, which usually begins in December, has had a delay with the roller coaster #’s of Covid-19 and last Friday, 1/15/21, The Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) announced that sports with moderate risk to low risk, could return as long as strict Covid-19 guidelines were followed by all who attended or participates in any way with the team and game itself. The 3 sports that have returned to JSEC are Boys & Girls Basketball, and Indoor Track. Student athletes were ecstatic to have sports return and for their lives to have a bit or normalcy return.

The games were eerily different, missing something that we are so used to having…spectators, fans, noise, cheers from the crowd, family, friends, Ms. Jenner and Mr. Q’s snack bar, teachers attending to support us, a few JSEC Yearbook photographers snapping away, and the opposing teams families coming into JSEC to enjoy the competition. The odd part is while observing the game after a basket is made there is semi-silence, no huge cheers, yells, and wild screams. This is our new normal for now, but the fact the game play is happening is hugely celebrated. Some of the new guidelines are in alignment with other guidelines in schools and society such as always wear a mask, use your own water bottles, no sharing of containers, not touching each other, no fist bumps, no high- fives, no hugs, and sanitize after any all contact.

The night started off with the girls game and they started their season with a lot of energy playing La Salle today. The game began after the National Anthem was played and it was nice to see everyone pivot towards the US Flag when it began playing. The game demonstrated that the Lady Cavs had drive & determination, they fought hard, had fun but fell short to La Salle with a final score of 59-37.

After the game we spoke to a couple of the players who shared the following:
“The game was tougher than normal because it was hard to breath but it was fun” -Charize Ramiro
“After about a dozen practices it was fun to get back on the court” -Jaylin Pena
Following this girls game we had a 2nd night game with the Cav Boys playing St. Rays. The protocol was to clear the gym between games, disinfect areas, and then allow the 2nd game players in. There was a 45 minute window which allowed the JSEC/360 Staff to take care of this. Once gym was cleared from the girls game, the gym was wiped down, door handles cleaned, athlete bench area disinfected, balls wiped, ect…and the boys were allowed to enter the gym.

The boys game started at 7PM and played St. Rays. We had ABC Channel 6 come and cover the night. Highlights of the game appeared on the late night evening news and that is a welcomed sign were returning to the way basketball used to be: games, coverage, competition, overtime, drills, warm-ups, standings, more practice, and of course game play. Student athletes seemed extra excited when they saw the media walk in to cover the game.
The score at half time was 25-23 with JSEC up by 2.
Half time strategy was to remain consistent with what was gone over in practice and for the team to stay focused. The 2nd half of the game was a bit rowdier and in lieu of having no fans the players on both benches came alive in the 2nd half. The energy was palpable and energy was high as the score went back and forth. JSEC maintained the lead with 39-33 at the end of the 3rd quarter. With under 1:03 to go the score was tied 50-50, a real battle with each time giving their all. Herliton Amado then hit a foul shot to put JSEC up by one and then M’Munga Omona sealed the deal by hitting a 3-pointer with 45 seconds left in the game to lead JSEC to a 54-50 victory!

Although there are still no fans allowed at games, Mr. Nadeau mentioned more and more schools are live streaming events so others can watch from remote locations. The Newspaper Staff will be sure to keep you posted when this happens.