- F E A T U R E S
- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- L I N K S
- N E W S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S T U D E N T L I F E
Principal Rametti’s Monthly Update
Newspaper Staff
February 5, 2021
Dear JSEC Students and Families,
I hope that everyone has had a safe, happy and healthy New Year. We have lots of exciting events and opportunities happening here at JSEC. I hope this newsletter provides you with an overview of what’s happening here at school during the month of February.
If you have any questions at all, or if you need support, please reach out to the school. You can contact me directly at [email protected] and I will make sure you receive the support you need.
Finally, please look out for the annual Family Climate Survey. This is a chance for our families to tell us how we are doing. Please take some time to complete this survey to provide your feedback. Your voice matters! The survey will be sent to you via Kinvo on Monday, February 8th. Thank you in advance for your participation.
In Partnership,
–Mr. Rametti
JSEC Celebrates Black History Month

Important Dates for Whole School
- Monday through Friday, February 8-12: STAR Middle of Year Testing (Math and Literacy)
- Tuesday, February 9: COVID Testing
- Wednesday, February 10: Q2 Report Cards Posted on Skyward
- Monday through Friday, February 15-19: Winter Break — NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, February 23: COVID Testing
Check out this document for info on how to get help with the college process!
Announcements for Seniors
We have planned some special days for our Seniors!
JSEC Senior Celebrations
Thursday, February 11th (B Day) and
Friday, February 12th (A Day).
12:47-2:29 (Periods 6 and 7)
The 3rd Quarter of the School Year is here! There are only 4 MONTHS UNTIL GRADUATION!! (We are waiting for the Graduation date but it’s only 4 months until June!!)
Period 6- Our Community Partners will be available from 12:45-1:45 to help Seniors
- CCRI applications.
- Scholarship Essay Workshops
- After graduation planning help.
- See Ms. D in Guidance to sign up!
Period 7- We will celebrate our Seniors’ Resiliency and hard work by awarding Honor Roll, FAFSA Completion, and College Acceptances. Also, THE 2021 SENIOR HOODIE DESIGN will be revealed!
- Distribute Honor Roll & “On-Track” Certificates
- Draw for FAFSA and CCRI Competed Prizes/ giveaways
- Help areas staffed to support FAFSA, CCRI, and Common Application completion with our own caring staff as well as Solanchi Fernandez from the College planning Center; Lisa Minn from ETS, and Josh Meadows from the College Crusade
- Prize draws for those who complete the FAFSA and CCRI Competed Prizes on that day
- Always a popular event- Hoody Display and Voting via Google Form
- Valentine card Making
- Music and special appearances
- Snacks and H2O
Attention Seniors: Class of 2021 Senior Photo & Due to Mr. Moreau by 2/12/21
- Senior Photo: Waist up, can be filtered but no emoji’s, nice casual/formal photo for Yearbook Sen Photo
- Senior Info Box: 1. Post HS Goal 2. Fav 9-12th Gr. Memory 3. Senior Quote
- Senior Baby Photo: Optional…if you want your baby pic on the Senior Baby Whose Who Page
Please email Mr. Moreau (a., b., & c. all of this in an email by 2/12/21)
Please note due to Covid-19, we have decided to combine the Class of 2021 and the Class of 2022 Yearbooks
We will explain the details of this at the upcoming Senior Meetings.
Announcements for All Students and Parents
JSEC Cav Chronicles–Our School Newspaper
The JSEC Cavalier Chronicle
The student news site of Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex
Make sure your read your JSEC Cav Chronicle Newspaper. The newspaper is all on line and easily accessible. Our JSEC School Newspaper is filled with stories related to school-wide events, presentations, sports, activities, community news, opinions, polls, latest sports scores, jobs, contests, after-school programming, a parents section, & has a variety of videos/links. We welcome end encourage you all to simply click this link: www.cavchroncle.org
All are welcome to take the latest poll, comment on any story, and enjoy the stories written by our very own JSEC student body.
Attention Students & Parents:
February Newspaper Contest: *** Link in, Comment, and Win– Cav Chronicle Contest*** Simple as that.
During the month of February any parent/student who logs in, reads a story, takes the poll, & comments, will be entered into the “Log In, Comment, & Win” contest. Prizes will include 2020 Yearbooks, JSEC Masks, and T-Shirts. Winners will announced in the March 5th Newspaper Issue as the lead story.
Contest Directions:
- Go to www.cavchronicle.org
- Comment on any story (leave your name in comment section)
- Newspaper staff will take all name of those who commented and put in raffle on Fri, Feb 26th, 2021.
Pathways here at W. B. Cooley @ Juanita Sanchez Education Complex
Did you know that your students have the opportunity to join one of three exciting and rigorous programs? Yes, we have great opportunities for your students! For more information or enrolling, please see the teacher for each programming or call Guidance.
Biomedical Pathway News

Health and Human Services Pathway News

Computer Science Pathway News
Introduction to Computing and Data science is a one semester course for 10th grade students.
Students are introduced to computer programming in an engaging, fun, creative way. Providing the computational thinking skills of programming
Students in the computer science pathway completed the course and will earn 4 URI college credits. You earn a technology credit that you need for high school graduation requirement and receive the college credits from URI
9th-grade students are just about to complete a multipage website project and getting ready to present their project after February vacation. Students used the fun, creative, and interactive platform www.code.org to create their projects in CS Discoveries.
In the spirit of “The Black History Month” celebration, CS students are decorating classroom doors. The theme is the contribution of black men and women in the computer science field.
9th-grade students celebrated their success in the first semester in an award ceremony this week. Students received awards for academic excellence, most improved, and perseverance for each subject. Additionally, there were prizes that students won through a raffle.
In AP CS Principles, students are getting ready to do Performance Tasks for the AP exam. Students are completing work on the essential skills that they need to start the task. Moreover, students are practicing taking the AP exam that is coming up in May.
AP CSP topics – routers and internet, compression of data, and encryption
JSEC’s Kindness Crew Continues to Grow!
The Kindness Crew continues to push its various initiatives and have some new ones brewing in the works!! We are excited to launch our very own website www.thekindnesscrew.org and are working diligently to utilize this as our platform to showcase our initiative and mission to make the world a better place through leading in KINDNESS!!
We will begin after school meetings to help build upon some new initiatives and projects! If you would like to join The Kindness Crew stop by Room 30 for an application and/or email [email protected].
The Kindness Crew is finally an independent 501c3 non profit organization! We are in the process of launching a kickstarter fundraiser to purchase our own t-shirt making screen printing system to hopefully fund our initiatives. But we do have shirts available and for sale on our website!! Also stay tuned for more Kindness Crew merch!
We are partnering with the Center for Resilience over the next 30 days with a 30 day kindness challenge! Check out some of our kindness crew members and Alumni helping launch this initiative: kindness and the Center for Resilience Blog and description of the challenge which can be held even in offices not just classrooms! blog on random acts of kindness and download the challenge calendar here
We continue our partnership with elementary and middle schools around providence and greater RI in our KINDNESS READINGS (all done virtually)! This partnership has been such a pleasure to do for all involved! We currently read to over 10 classes reaching over 150 children. We have been sending kindness gifts to their classes in the mail and will be challenging them to carry out the kindness challenge and the class who wins will all be awarded our Kindness T-shirts!
SEN-AGERS: This is our newest initiative that we hope to launch by 3/1/2021. This initiative is keeping generations connected through kindness. This will connect our kindness crew members with senior citizens within our community and great RI community and consist of 10 zoom contacts guided to create human connection, empathy and perspective taking skills for all parties involved! We will be recruiting senior citizens and youth to participate!!
Community Kindness waves continue even through the cold! We continue to leave post its at least once per month and people are still making post its for the cause!!
Kind Human Recognition: Remember to get your weekly vote in for a person within our JSEC community who demonstrated Kindness to you for our Friday recognition and token of appreciation for the Kindness of others!! Outside of Room 30 you can write your vote and place it in the voting box! Stay tuned for details on how to vote electronically too!!
As always, thank you for your continued support and encouragement of our mission and initiatives.
-Ms. Molina & The Kindness Crew

Join an after school club with PASA!
Students can still sign up to participate in Winter after school programs, which run through April 15! Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOmo20_Qh8y4N2_vE4jF5G5yiLaJY3xt4Y3S6Gtku6NSgAug/viewform