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2021 JSEC Outdoor Graduation Ceremony A Huge Hit: PHOTO GALLERY

June 10, 2021
JSEC CLASS OF 2021 GRADUATION PHOTOS: (Thursday, June 10th, 2021 @ 4PM–Conley Stadium@ Mt. Pleasant HS)
We have rushed the photos out because you just graduated and we wanted to get them to you as soon as possible! Student pics begin the gallery then scrolling downward toward the bottom comes the teacher pics. Enjoy!!! Please feel free copy/save any all photos you would like.
There are about 103 Class of 2021 student photos and 25 teacher photos included in this article.
JSEC 2021-2022 YEARBOOK: Please note that many of these pics will be used in the 2021-2022 JSEC Yearbook which will be out in May of 2022. Please message Mr. Moreau if you are interested in adding your name to the order list to receive one of these yearbooks. Due to C-19 we had to combine 2021 & 2022, but it promises to be an awesome yearbook jampacked with events from the class of 2021 & the class of 2022.
Peter Quesnel • Jun 11, 2021 at 10:27 am
I love all the pictures. Really great!
Diane Burdick • Jun 11, 2021 at 8:13 am
Thank you the kids look great!