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Steroids/Supplements….JSEC Teens Learn First Hand The Real Effects of Sports Drinks & Supplements
October 27, 2021
On Tuesday October 26th and Wednesday October 27th, Tavis Piattloy, a Sports Dietitian, travelled to RI from New Orleans to present to JSEC’s PE/Health Classes. The Taylor Hooton Foundation was founded based on a student athlete who had used steroids and the effects of this student using them were devastating. The students parents had brought him to a psychologist where it was discovered that he was using a performance enhancing substance. The objective of this presentation was to educate JSEC students on the dangers of using performance enhancing drugs. Tavis worked as a trainer/nutritionist for the New Orleans Saints and now travels the country to educate students on the dangers of using banned substances that are found in supplements which are marketed and readily available to teenagers.
We discovered the following facts and statistics through this presentation:
- 12.3 Million HS students use some type of substance to improve performance
- Over 60% of College athletes use supplements
- Raw materials are made from foreign countries such as China and shipped here with no FDA approval
- Some street steroids are made from motor oil, horse urine, and cooking oil
- 80% of people who use substances don’t even play sports, main reason is to change appearance
Students had the opportunity to listen to the presentation, ask questions, and get valuable information from the about performance enhancing supplements. At the end of the presentation most students signed the pledge not to use performance enhancing substances. If you would like to sign the pledge please go to the is website and click on the #AllMePledgeFree link. You can also get even more valuable information on that site include information on:
*Anabolic Steroids —-*Human Growth —-*Hormone Dietary Supplements —-* SARMS —-* Energy Drinks
If anyone reading this article has any questions you would like to ask Tavis feel free to message him at:
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.taylorhooton.org
Contact: [email protected]