Walking around JSEC I remember it used to be an incredibly clean environment. Lately it seems like this is not the case and was inquisitive as to why. Just today I walked around our building floor by floor, went into the cafeteria, up the stairwells, and maneuvered around corners, checked out water fountains, and discovered most of the trash consisted of packages or containers from the vending machines. It seemed like many students are consuming them from the amount of trash that was discovered; however, they seem to be forgetting to place used empty items in the trash bins and recycle containers. Specific items found include: soda cans, empty chip bags, candy wrappers, water bottles, juice boxes, and milk containers.
There is an additional issue where students are bringing their lunches to the hallways or staircases and when they eat done just leave it out in the cafeteria. Just this week there was distilled sour milk spilled all over the floor and it was disgusting.
We hope that all students can assist to remedy the trash situation so we can keep JSEC super clean. Some ways you can help out include:
*Pick up trash when you see it and throw it in the appropriate container
*After consuming products always throw away wrappers and containers
*Always use Recycle Bins
Let’s all make a conscience effort to place our trash in the appropriate trash recepticles and stop contributing to tossing trash anywhere and everywhere. JSEC students and guests need to start being more aware of placing trash where it belongs. JSEC prides itself in being one of the nicest and cleanest schools in Providence. Let’s keep it that way and being aware of is half the battle.