JSEC Brings Token of Peace/Comfort for Those Effected by School Shooting

Fred Santos & Rose Molina, Journalist

The JSEC Kindness Crew and Mrs. Garland’s Social Justive initiative came together to spread love nd kindness to the tragic ending of one of our PPSD students at Central.  In attempt to replicate one of our own Kindness walls, we worked together to make a Kindness Wall that is filled with love and encouragement from the JSEC community.
Students wrote encouraging words on heart shaped post-its and they were placed in a heart and decorated with Centrals black and gold colors. Some of the Kindness Crew members hand delivered this wall to Central High school where they were met by students whom were being supported in the grief room at Central. This interaction was nothing but magical, our student from JSEC were taken back by the level of happiness and joy our gift brought them at such a tragic and painful time. Happy tears were shed by both partied and we embraced one another with hugs upon departure. This experience was such an honor to witness and true testament to the power of KINDNESS. The level off empty learned through this interaction will have lasting affects on our students.
“The students brainstormed and came up with a design supporting a huge heart poster filled with sticky-notes from us, JSEC students.  Each note was written with love and in an attempt to ease the sadness and pain others were feeling” -Samantha Kelly
“We did this to show our brothers and sisters they are not alone” -Fred Santos
We had about 24 students who worked hard on the poster and it was important that the theme was felt….”Providence is Love”.   So many great things are occurring at JSEC, we wanted to ensure that this one incident did not take away from all the other goodness and acts of kindness that happen each and everyday across Providence.