- F E A T U R E S
- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- N E W S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- S P O R T S
- S T U D E N T L I F E
- U N C A T E G O R I Z E D
Even in Loss We Totally Won…..Cavaliers Football 2019 Reflection
My name is Ty’Relle Stephens and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this seasons Football Season focusing on the 2019 Cavaliers Football Team led by Head Coach, Mr. Steve Nadeau. I’ll begin by sharing that this football season was a life learned lesson for coaches and players. We didn’t have great games or even a great record. The football team went 0-8 to start the season off and than 0-2 in the non-playoffs bracket meaning we did not win one single game.
One thing I learned while the season was going on and we kept accumulating losses was that we really had the opportunity to see most of the teams true colors. One thing Coach Nadeau enforced was “Don’t give up on each other”. We were facing adversity because 10 out of 11 starters from last year were Seniors so we had pretty much a new team. Last year we also had two All-State players: Elijah Matthews and Antonio Estrada who took the Cavaliers football team into two straight years of Championship games. Coach Nadeau knew going into the season that the players coming back had big shoes to fill moving up a division. So he told us to stick it through.
We lost every game but one thing we didn’t do was lose our trust in each other. We believed weekly that we can win and get the job done but we were just a little outnumbered in the games we battled. As life goes on I just want you to remember how this football team never game up. Nobody quit and we fought to the end. Even though you work are sometimes you still get knocked down, what makes a strong person is the way you get back up and fight again and that’s what this football team did. We gave it our all and that’s all that Coach Nadeau and his assistants enforced with us.
In closing and with my own personal reflection I want to express the following: We may have been in last place but remember the Bible says “The last shall be first, and the first last” -Matthew 20:16. God put us first for the simple fact we didn’t give up on each other, we fought as one. God wants us to try and give our best and that’s what the 2019 Football Cavaliers did. And that’s why at least in my head our team actually finished first in the area where it means the most: True Teamwork.
Thank you,
Ty’Relle Stephens

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