- F E A T U R E S
- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- N E W S
- P A R E N T S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- S T U D E N T L I F E
- U N C A T E G O R I Z E D
Students Voiced Concerns–Admin/Teachers Listened–No New Assignment Fridays
May 1, 2020
Many JSEC students have expressed that they are feeling the effects on COVID 19 at home, in their neighborhoods, in their cities, around the state, and yes at JSEC. While distance learning has begun many students have expressed frustration with the amount of work being given by teachers. Most students feel the work is relevant and continued where teachers left off in March; however, many feel the amount of work is a bit overwhelming. Students have expressed this to teachers, parents, friends, and administrators and due to voicing concerns, our teachers and administration has listened and made some much welcomed changes.
This is the response given by Ms. Testa that will surely assist students with keeping up, getting extra assistance, and give students more time to complete weekly assignments. Student success with learning is first and foremost and being flexible is key.
“It is clear that students are feeling beyond overwhelmed in their classes. In response, we have structured Fridays to:
1. Ensure dedicated time for student check-in with teachers and peers;
2. Catch up on and missing assignments;
3. Receive additional tutorial.
2. Catch up on and missing assignments;
3. Receive additional tutorial.
School will still take place on Fridays and we will still take student attendance, but no new material will be presented/assigned. We will maintain the rotating of the schedule so that students know when the teachers are available for their classes”
“Once this was announced earlier this week we received feedback”I am glad that Friday’s are now extra time to do work or reach out to teachers for help. I will be using Friday’s to catch up on any missing and if I need help to reach out to teachers, this is something that was really needed because of how much work we are getting compared to if we were in school. Sometimes it is hard to do all the work for all seven classes on time, so it is a good idea to make Friday’s a catch up day.” -Genesis De Leon
“I like the Fridays being free because I usually retake assignments so I can stay on top of my work. However I don’t need to make up anything in this class.” – McKenzie Pizarro
“I feel like Friday’s are very helpful because we’re doing assignments back to back and having Friday to catch up on things we missed is good. And I myself need this day to concentrate not be rushed within an hr to turn in the work”
-Andreisy Taveras
“Yes these Friday’s are very well needed. I will make sure to catch up on all of my work”-Yailin Arias
JSEC Administration, Teachers, Parents, and Students are working together to ensure student success. Students spoke and were heard and positive changes were made. Most experts in online and distance education agree that the present Covid 19 pandemic will cause a permanent and positive expansion of distance and online teaching and learning practices in higher education. Most predict using these skills, learning new platforms, and orchestrating distance learning that works best for all parties is what will produce the most successful results. The key is listening, learning, responding, and making necessary changes as we navigate together.