- F E A T U R E S
- F R E S H M E N
- J U N I O R S
- P A R E N T S
- S E N I O R S
- S H O W C A S E
- S O P H O M O R E S
- S T U D E N T L I F E
Students and Administration Celebrate JSEC Teachers
May 18, 2021
Teachers receive appreciation for doing what they love. Administration & students give shout outs and tokens of appreciation throughout the week.
For the past year, JSEC teachers have connected with their students online and in-person, challenged students to meet high academic expectations while students dealt with stressors that adults find hard to handle, and educators have heard and seen all the COVID-19 pandemic has brought into children and teens’ homes and that weigh on their young minds.
Like all of us, teachers did this while ensuring their own children’s and aging family members’ needs were met and without the pre-COVID support networks that help many of us get through each day. That’s why Teacher Appreciation Week is more important than ever this year.
Teacher Appreciation Week occurred throughout the week of May 3rd 2021. So often kids work hard, administration works hard, and yes teachers work hard so it was awesome that JSEC Teachers were shown some appreciation last week. This was a way we showed teachers we care. Teachers have a valuable part in a child’s life guiding them through lessons, new assignments, virtual learning, and even to offer a bit of advice in life.