JSEC/360’s New Renovated Weight Room

The gym has been remodeled and brand new machines have been added that adds a new style, better look, a lot prettier, and you get more gains with the training because you feel more comfortable working out in this new environment. It’s not like before where it looked very ugly, it very much needed more color and more machines and guess what…JSEC & 360 now have it!
Steven, who is a Teen Workout Member, says he likes the new training room because it has the new machine he always wanted. Steven says that he had a reason why joined the Teen Workout Program was because he was very skinny and he didn’t like his physique and due to this program and morning training he is seeing changes. He feels he will get even stronger with the new equipment. Eniel, another Teen Workout Member, says that the new training room is good because they added new things like new rubber flooring and a new carpet. They also added many more things which allowed for different ways to train your abs and back. Euris, our last Teen Workout Member interviewed, says it is better than before, now the room is nicer and has better quality machines. Euris also says that he came in to have a good physique, stay in shape, and also to play volleyball in the morning. We asked why he started participating in this program and he said “Mr. Moreau encouraged us to join to get a jump start on the day with an early morning workout”. This caused us to want to ask Mr. Moreau about the origins of the program and we asked him to tell us about the program. His response included: “Teen Workout started 10 years ago in the afternoon and was going great; however many athletic teams overtook the room in the afternoon due to coaching wanting to have team workouts, so we were on the brink of cancelling the program, but a lot of kids asked me, why don’t we have a morning program? I thought it was gonna be a bad idea as students wouldn’t have been so willing to come too early in the morning but decided to give it a two-week trial. To my amazement it was a huge success”

Mr. Moreau then shared with us the program had students who came faithfully coming every single morning compare to the afternoon program where attendance was sporadic so he made the decision to do an early morning teen workout program for students and officially changed the program from afternoon to morning. PASA and The Hub were in support of it and it actually won “Program of the Year” that year.
After that I questioned how much of an impact do you think this program has made on the students and he responded: “I think the impact has been great because in the morning is a nice time to workout and start out the day. If students are going to arrive at 6:45AM that means they are dedicated. Also, I know people who get a taste of success in the morning that there is a great chance that will continue throughout the day”.
We then asked about the remodel of the gym and Moreau said, “We have been talking about remodeling the small weight room for years, and all worked together to give ideas and updated machines throughout the years. Mr. Bozzer used some sports money given to the two schools had and recoated the walls with fresh paint, installed new rubberized flooring, added a few new weight lifting machines and treadmill, and lastly added 3 new bikes. In total 7 new pieces of equipment and it looks a lot neater. Cleaner people like to workout in clean spaces and they don’t like to workout in dirty places, so with our new fitness center we are proud to workout in a nice clean fitness facility.
This newer gym fits more into the standard/modern gyms and fitness centers. The old gym we had so much old, often broken equipment, that was not as effective, and we weren’t quite able to get descent workouts. After speaking to Mr. Bozzer and Mr. Moreau we realized they are only just starting, as they re hoping to add we’re a lot more including a sound system.
The AM Teen Workout/Sports Club weight club is not about just working out, it’s a program where if you don’t want to lift for the day you can take a break and go onto the gym floor and play a variety of sports. Any member of the club can also go play on the other side of the gym. The goal of the overall program is for students to be active, have fun, form friendships, and a have a safe and healthy place to go before school starts. Mr. Moreau also stated that none of this could be possible without the support from PASA/HUB’s Administration which includes Stanley Cazeau, Tyrone Gaye, and Alexander Bezek.
In summary, the new training room is good and better because before because it needed new paint, new machines that work, new carpet due the the previous floor being disgusting. There are new rugs/carpets now because before the renovations, people came in from outside with feet dirty. Nowadays it is much better because now we have new carpet, new machines, new paint, new modified machines, and it is better now because the maintinance staff clean it daily. Entrance to the program is through the gym doors where there are rugs to wipe feet which ensures the weight room floor stays a bit cleaner. Also, there are new rules one of which is that you cannot leave your weights lying around anywhere. All programs using the weight room: which includes programs such as: PE Classes, and sports teams, and other groups, must leave the room as they found it with weights put away and neat.

Darianny • Feb 17, 2024 at 9:58 am
I so glad, you guys got new equipment to workout by seeing a new environment discipline can be done by the team workout program because now they will enjoy their new activities of exercises thing they couldn’t get done before. -Darianny Almonte
Mariah • Feb 15, 2024 at 1:04 pm
It’s good for teenworlout
Litzi lemus • Feb 15, 2024 at 1:00 pm
I think it’s a great opportunity for people who want to improve themselves and I think it’s incredible that teachers support it. It’s a great idea apart from the benefits of exercise.
Adam Sackor • Feb 15, 2024 at 11:56 am
After reading this I understand why working out is important
Ananda Britto • Feb 15, 2024 at 11:56 am
this articles shows the many ways and benefits of physical fitness and how it helps our health
Tiffany • Feb 15, 2024 at 11:55 am
would love to check out this room during my gym period, it looks really nice and a big improvement from the old workout room
Josmeily • Feb 15, 2024 at 11:54 am
I believe this will help many students with their fitness.