Spring Employment First Poster Contest $450 In Amazon Prizes


Ms. Kibarians class has entered the Spring Employment First Poster Contest. This is a quality checklist of contests with all of the RI School Districts. The contest is to design a poster with information about Employment First. The poster will be used to promote the program and all posters are designed by their peers.

The prizes include:

*First Prize: $200 Amazon Gift Card
*Second Prize: $150 Amazon Gift Card
*Third Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card

Employment First means that employment in the general workforce should be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving assistance from publicly funded systems. Simply put, Employment First means real jobs and real wages.

The overall goal is for students to be employed like everyone else in society, int typical work setting, working side by side with people without disabilities, earning regular wages and benefits and being part of the economic mainstream of our society.

We wish Mrs. Kibarian’s Class success in winning this contest, and as is evident their poster entry looks amazing!
Ms. Kibarian has promised to keep every posted on their progress.